

12:10 AM

Social anxiety, as it is called, is the most freaking awesome thing in the world to deal with. I have it, you have it, but on different levels(We're all in the same game just different levels. dealing with the same hell just different devils). I probably have it more than you have it, so lucky me. Have you noticed that people tend to experience more mental psychological problems these days? I mean, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, anorexia, panic attacks, depression and so on can be easily spotted in our own environment. That means we are a bunch of lunatics, but being normal is quite relative, like a crazy person will always think he's the sanest and the other ones just want to steal their thunder.
I'm not making fun of anyone here, everyone is different, everybody has their own issues, we just have to learn to accept ourselves. I've never experienced a panic attack before, but I've experienced social phobia which is kind of like a need to please everyone, but then you fear you will fail and make a fool of yourself and you end up disappointed and hurt. This constant concern of rejection, criticism and embarrassment can lead on to a psychopathological type thing called social anxiety disorder, if not treated in advance. There are all kinds of support groups( like A.A. ) that try to help those in need, since there are so many of them. Undoubtedly, it is important to be aware of this illness and never fear to ask for help. It is commonly known that psychologist are seen with bad eyes by those who need their help, because who wants to become a certified maniac? What would the neighbours say? In my opinion, if you need help or advice just ask for it , mind your own business and leave the haters behind because at the end of the day is your happiness and health that matters.
Do you feel like the socially awkward penguin? Do you turn off going outs just because you feel uncomfortable in certain situations(like talking to strangers)? Are your worries stronger than needed, your level of stress higher than expected or you find it difficult to concentrate? Welcome to the club, you kinda fit the picture. I'm not pointing fingers, I'm just stating facts. Alongside the genetic cause, low self-esteem that many individuals tend to experience plays an important role in feeling this crappy. A study shows that self-evaluative thoughts can come from the self-esteem level. In other words, if you think you're worthless, you will believe that everyone else knows that, judge you for that and makes fun of how awkward and stupid you are. The thing is, if you think about yourself in a negative way, your body always feels the need to protect itself, but this will usually lead to protecting yourself from both bad and good things. There are many books on how to increase your confidence and most of them are too theoretical or just copy each other(been there, read that). There are also good books, good pills, good shrinks, just pick one. A simple, but effective tip is self motivation and autosuggestion. I don't care if you have to write on all your walls "Today is gonna be an awesome day!", if it helps you thinking more positively and boost your confidence even a little bit, then it's all worth it.
Point is, everyone is insecure in one way or another, some are just better at hiding it. You just have to cope with your own fears, face your concerns, do things that scare you, think that even if you fail at least you will learn something, you will gain experience. Just try to be yourself, and don't care about judgements because even though you are beautiful and smart there will always be someone that is not impressed/interested. Try to surround yourself with optimistic and trustworthy people and live life to the fullest(such a cliché).

PS: If you wanna find out about how other people deal with panic attacks, just watch this girl's video, because it will make you realize you're not alone in this big, big world.

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